Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Video Loop

a video collection,
currently on display as a looped projection at Monash University's Caulfield campus
for the Fine Art Graduant Show, 2012

experiments with table suit

a small video collection of experiments/dressing things.

sharing a tomato suit

a video/film
of a costume for objects being borrowed from a table.

Monday, November 19, 2012

MARKIT @ Fed Square, NOV 25

'untitledmccausland''s next market appearance will be:
Sunday, NOV 25th
in the Atrium at Federation Square, Melbourne

I will be in the emerging designers section, which will be some tables closest to the entrance to the NGV/Ian Potter Centre

 above: here is the nice postcard, with illustrations by Dawn Tan

above: here is my little picture on the Markit website

*here* is a link to other nifty little square pictures of designers that will be at Markit

*here* is a link to my facebook event


*here* is a link to untitledmccausland

it would be lovely to see/meet you
